
Showing posts from 2019

Check List for Swim meets

Check list for “away” swim meets: 1.     Sack lunch because we will be leaving by 10:30 at the latest. 2.     Towel 3.     Team suit and team swim cap!!! 4.     Sweatshirt and something warm to put on after you swim (blankets, sweats, jacket/sweatshirt, etc…) 5.     Money for dinner – we will stop to get food/dinner after the meet before we drive back from Twin Falls.   You are responsible for buying your own food. J 6.     Goggles 7.     Healthy Snacks!!!   (examples are jerky, nuts, cheese, granola bars, trail mix, water, fruit, etc….) 8.     If you are riding with a parent home please let me know because I need to account for ALL of you.   Right now I have Gabe C., Ethan S., Carter M. riding with parents and Alex H. driving.  

Meet Friday September 6th Information

Our first swim meet is this Friday, September 6th in Twin Falls at the Twin Falls City Pool,  756 Locust St N, Twin Falls, ID 83301 Coaches meeting is at 1:30 PM so we will be leaving the school at 10:00 AM.   Warm Ups at 2:30 Meet begins at 3:15.   We have several swimmers in the first and second events (Medley Relay girls first event, Medley Relay boys 2nd event) so please be there by 2:15 PM if you are driving yourselves because our warm ups are at 2:30!!! Students riding in the school Van: 1.  Bring money for dinner after the meet, we will be stopping at Subway for dinner before leaving Twin Falls. 2.  We should be home around 10 PM depending on how many swimmers are attending meet.  Students can message parents to let them know when we are leaving Twin Falls. 3.  Bring a towel, HEALTHY snacks, and water to drink!!! All Swimmers: Bring water bottles! Bring healthy snacks (jerky, cheese sticks, nuts, trail mix, carrots, protein bars, etc...) Towel sweatshirt or so

Swimsuit and sweatshirt payments due

Thank you for everyone that has already paid for the swimsuit and sweatshirts!!  IF you have not paid yet, please pay by Monday, September 9th.  The suit was $40 and the sweatshirt was $31.50 each for a grand total of $71.50.  I have already ordered them and paid for them out of my personal checking account so I appreciate everyone paying for theirs as quickly as possible.